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(1 edit)

Hey! Nice set of references you have in the game.

My experience with it went in a quite wrong way though. Cause I had false assumption that the game would be point and click and was honestly confused when adventurers poped up on me after hovering my mouse over a chicken and even an empty piece of land. And only after that I figured that maybe it has nothing to do with my mouse input.

Good news is that all that didn't prevent me from scoring 944, which I think is quite enough)

I would suggest adding some hint about the mechanic for people not to repeat my path. Like label 'waiting for another adventurer' or maybe just describing the mechanic in advance.

Hi, thanks for your feedback! Actually I ahd a plan to visualize adventurers running by town and also let Greg to get some materials by himself, but I realized that the asset pack doesn't contain enough content to make character don't look like clones and I was out of time to make any better mechanic, so I did my best. I'll think how can I extend thus game and if I even should. In some sense I think this game is good as is - a short one with highly concentrated humor and references. Maybe I'll come up with some another idea, like to convert it to an amusement park for adventurers, where NPCs are actually employees or just people who live nearby and main target can be reach the best balance of enjoyment and profit.

Yep, I certainly understand the thing about time constraints and glad you managed to make the game within them.

My suggestion was to simply form a correct expectation that adventurers will pop up (which is quite ok) and the mechanic is just to interact with them as they do. By maybe writing it somewhere. No intense coding staff.